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Okay allow me to have a baby bitch fit for a second and then I'll drop it.. I have now started and completed two different blog posts...

Honey? I'm Back!

Holy hell you guys... it's been 4 years since a Cheers Honey post has been written and my brain cannot fully grasp where the time has...

Honey I'm Home.

Hey All You Brew Heads and Kittens! Wow. Some of you may have noticed that I've been missing these past couple of weeks, and some of you...

A Needed GNO!

For those who know me, you know I thrive when I'm around my friends. But, since moving to Milwaukee 9 months ago I haven't been feeling...

Brew Me This.

I used to hate beer. I'm not sure if it's just me, but ohhhh the irony I find that I started a beer blog 6 years later.

It's an Avocado... Thanks!

My parents have been telling me for years about this crazy thing called adulting, but I never thought the day was going to come. But, ohh...

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Some people may say baseball is Americas favorite past-time, but I'd like to argue that traveling to new places might top that wonderful...

Unconditionally Broke

Yesterday I came to a realization that I might be broke. It wasn't the obvious indication of looking in my bank account and seeing the...

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